Architectural Review

Architectural reviews are required when a remodel, addition, exterior repainting, or change of roofing material is planned. As stated in the CCRs, "No building, structure or swimming pool shall be erected or placed on any lot and no improvement or alteration requiring a building permit shall be made to the exterior of any existing structure until the construction plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. The Committee shall approve only those improvements which harmonize in material, design, workmanship, and elevation with existing buildings." Please refer to your CCRs for more detailed information.

If you are planning work that falls into one of these categories, please complete and submit this form to the e-mail addresses shown on the form prior to beginning the project. Please allow two weeks for processing. For remodels or additions, please attach plans or sketches. For a change of exterior paint color or reroofing, attach paint samples of body, trim, and accent colors.